Walk a Mile in My Shoes
(Dana's Perspective)




Natalie and Dana are standing side-by-side. They are dressed very nicely and professionally. There is a backdrop and a photographer off to the side.

Jeremy: (off screen) Don't worry, you two. I'll send Dan right up.

Dana: Looks like we're the only ones here on time.

Natalie: Jeremy will get Dan up here.

Dana: In the meantime-

Natalie: Let's talk about you.

Nothing about my personal life, Natalie.

Dana: I don't want to talk about me.

Natalie: Have you picked out your outfit?

Oh, it's about the awards ceremony.

Dana: Yes, I have.

Natalie: Is Kevin going to be your date?

Dana: What do you mean is Kevin going to be my date? He's my boyfriend.

Kevin still cares about me.

Natalie: He didn't seem too thrilled about attending.

He's still getting warmed up to the idea.

Dana: He's excited about it, Natalie. He's there for me.

Natalie: He didn't seem too excited.

Stop stating the obvious, Natalie.

Dana: He's still a little down about the Super Bowl.

Natalie: Dropping that crucial pass didn't help them, either.

Dana: The Giants made the Super Bowl. That's quite an accomplishment. Kevin's dropped pass didn't affect the outcome of the game, anyway.

Natalie: Still, he didn't seem excited about attending.

Stop reminding me.

Dana: Natalie-

Natalie: I'm just saying, it would get his mind off the loss.

Dana: Fine.

At least my parents are attending.

Natalie: Let's talk about Casey.

Here we go.

Dana: Let's not.

Sally walks up and joins Natalie and Dana.

Sally: Hey, it's just us girls. That's pretty good, huh?

Rrrrrrrr. Sally's here.

Dana: We're still waiting for Dan.

Natalie: Dan will be here in a minute.

Sally: Yeah, okay. Dana, I haven't been able to personally congratulate you on your two nominations.

Dana: Thank you, Sally. And congratulations on yours.

Sally: Thanks. I'm actually kind of used to this by now. The accolades, the awards; I'm not awe-struck much by it anymore. Dana, you must be thrilled. These are your first nominations, aren't they?

Doesn't take long for you to strike, huh?

Dana: Why, yes, Sally. Yes, they are.


Natalie: Nominated for the top-ranked show on the network. Along with me.

Number one on CSC, baby.

Sally: That's right. You guys still have the best rankings. But I'm telling you, my guys with the West Coast Update have been seeing their ratings rise; and that's pretty exciting for me.

Dana: I'm sure you are.

Sally: The higher ratings and the nomination should mean big things for me. In fact, I've been contacted by outside networks about possible opportunities.

Yeah, more men for you to sleep with and get to know better.

Natalie: Don't let anyone stop you from leaving.

That's my girl.

Sally smiles at Natalie's comment.

Sally: Yes... uh... Natalie. It's a competitive world and we're always looking for better opportunities. You never can tell what's happening from one day to the next. One day you're on top; the next day, you're chasing after the leaders.

I'm going to take you down like a house of cards you giant Amazon woman.


FRIDAY, 6:15 P.M.

In the conference room sit Isaac, Dana, Jeremy, Casey, Bobbi, Kim, Elliott, Dave, Chris, and Will. They are wrapping up the 6 o'clock rundown.

Dana: Okay, everybody. It looks like we have a good show for this evening. Kim get back with me on Arizona State. Everybody else keep me posted on any other changes.

Everybody starts to gather their notes.

Where's everybody going?

Dana: Ahem. I also think this would be a good time to give our ideas to Isaac.

Isaac: That's correct. I need them by today, so I can present them on Monday.

Everybody settles back into their seats.

Here we go.

Dana: Okay, we're going to just go around the room. Will?

Will: You're starting with me?

Well, we're certainly not starting with me.

Dana: Yes, I am.

Will: You initiated this.

Dana: And I'm asking you for your ideas on how to improve the show.

Will: Okay. Here's what I think: we can invest in better graphics.

Chris: That was my idea.

Will: Well, I got to go first.

Chris: Something a little flashier.

Will: Something hip.

Some flashier hip graphics. We could do that.

Dana: Okay. Chris and Will suggest new graphics to help the show. Dave?

Dave: A new set wouldn't be so bad. Changing the appearance would help out.

Something to draw the younger viewers. Sure.

Dana: Okay. Dave wants a new set. I've got down new graphics and a new set. Elliott?

Elliott: Better food.


Dana: Better food?

Elliott: Yeah. Something different. We always have the same snacks. A little variety wouldn't hurt. Bagels one day, fruit the next.

Dana: Okay, any ideas. We want any and all ideas. Bagels and fruit. Kim?

It's stupid, but I wanted ideas.

Kim: Duh. New contracts. It would be good to know if we had some job security around here.

Dana: Okay. Kim wants contracts.

Wow, I never even thought of that.

Dana taps her pencil on the table.

It's an excellent point.

Dana: Knowing we all have jobs will make us work harder and better.

Kim: And with more pride.

Dana: Got it. Bobbi?

Bobbi: You're putting me on the spot here.


Dana: That's right. Dan's off tonight. And Natalie, too.

Bobbi: But I do have an idea.


Dana: Oh, okay. Shoot.

Bobbi: How about one of those scrolling scoreboards on the bottom of the television screen?

We're the only major sports network without one. Good observation.

Dana: Hmmm. That's good. Scrolling scoreboard. Casey?

A staff member walks in and hands Isaac a note. Isaac reads the note.

Isaac: You'll have to excuse me for a moment. I have something I need to attend to.

Something's wrong. I see it in his face.

Isaac gets up from the table.

Dana: Any thing wrong, Isaac?

Wait. He looks relieved.

Isaac: Oh, don't worry. These are good ideas. Be sure to collect the rest of them Dana and pass them onto me.

Dana: I'll see you in a bit.

Isaac leaves the room.

Dana: Okay, back to Casey.

Casey: I say everybody do the show naked.

Jeez, Casey.

Dana: Seriously, Casey.

Casey: I don't think there's any area we need to improve.

I feel the same way, but we have to do something.

Dana: Casey, we're the number three network. I think there is room for improvement.

Casey thinks for a moment.

Casey: Okay, let's change the format.

Dana: What's wrong with the format?

Casey: See? There's nothing to improve with the format.

Dana: Spit it out, Casey.

Casey: Okay. How about changing it so we don't have a commercial right after the opening teaser. Have the commercials before the intro, that way we can go right into the show after the teasers.

I can do that.

Dana: Now that wasn't so hard was it, Casey?

Casey: I still like the nakedness better. It shows the audience we aren't hiding anything.

You're trying to be funny, Casey.

Dana: Let me also right down my idea: random drug testing... starting with the anchors. Jeremy?

Jeremy: Let's open fifteen minutes of each broadcast to the callers. Dan and Casey choose the subject, and they interact with the callers.

Less stories, but it encourages people to interact. I like it.

Dana: Okay, got it. That's it everybody. We'll meet back at ten.

Everybody gets up to leave.

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