Have You Ever Danced in the Rain?



Natalie walks into Dana's office. Natalie sits on the couch, but she looks distracted.

Dana: Something wrong, Natalie?

Natalie: Huh? Oh. Nothing. Run down is in a few minutes.

Dana: Thanks.

Dana closes a folder and notices Natalie clutching her clipboard against her chest.

Dana: Natalie, we've only got a few minutes. You want to tell me what is going on?

Natalie: No.

Dana: Okay then.

Natalie: Okay.

The two leave the office and start walking down the corridor.

Natalie: I slept with Jeremy last night.

Dana: What?

Natalie: I went home before he woke up this morning.

Dana: Hold on, Natalie. This is a lot of information. Are you two back together?

Natalie: I don't know.

Dana: Does Jeremy know?

Natalie: I don't think so.

Dana: All I asked you to do was talk to him, Natalie.

Natalie: I know.

Dana: This is serious. You didn't even laugh at my joke.

Natalie: It wasn't funny.

Dana: Okay.

Natalie: Not even close to being funny.

Dana stops Natalie, and Dana places her hands on Natalie's shoulders.

Dana: Natalie, let's talk about this.

Natalie: We've got a run down to do.

Dana: We'll talk later?

Natalie: Okay.

Natalie and Dana walk to the end of the corridor and into the newsroom. They walk across the newsroom and into the conference room.

Seated in the conference room are: Dan, Casey, Jeremy, Sam, Kim, Elliott, and Isaac. Natalie and Dana sit in the two remaining empty chairs.

Dana: Okay everybody. What have we got today?

Elliott: Green Bay is calling a news conference later today to announce they have signed Perkins to an extension.

Kim: I've got that covered.

Dana: Great. Thanks, Kim.

Dan: I've got Dale Jarrett coming in tomorrow for an interview.

Dana: Here? In the studio?

Dan: Yup. A CSC exclusive.

Dana: Wow. Great job, Dan. Wonderful.

Casey: I'll be doing an interview with Dirk Nowitzki later today.

Dana: That's good.

Casey: I'll be doing it in German.

Dana: What else do we have? Jeremy?

Casey: Danke schön, Dirk. Wie geht's?

Dana: Casey.

Casey smiles and pretends to zip his mouth shut.

Dana: Jeremy?

Jeremy: Huh?

Dana: What do you have?

Jeremy: I have a story about Eric Rasmussen, but we will probably use it this weekend.

Natalie: He's climbing Everest.

Jeremy: I have the interview before he begins his journey next week.

Dana: Okay. Good. And everybody already knows about the game sixes in the NHL, the games in the NBA, the full schedule in baseball, and tonight's MLS game. We'll meet back here at six.

Dana closes her notebook.

Dana: Isaac, what do you have?

Isaac: I had the opportunity to meet Donna Kendrick for the first time yesterday.

Casey: What is she like?

Isaac: She seems very pleasant and she pretty much listened to everybody yesterday.

Dan: Are there going to be any changes to the show?

Isaac: She's going to evaluate everything before making her initial decisions, but I haven't figured on how to gage her.

Dana: Okay, please keep us informed, Isaac. That's it.

People start gathering their belongings as Dan raises his hand.

Dana: Yes, Dan?

Everybody stops and sits back down. Dan stands up to address the room.

Dan: I have an announcement to make. We all work as a team, but we are now faced with a difficult situation. We could fight this individually, but I know if we fight this together we have a good chance of succeeding. Now I know this may catch you by surprise, so please everybody hold back their reactions. Casey has been here at Sports Night since its inception and his contract is expiring this summer-

Casey: Danny-

Dan: -and he has yet to receive an offer from CSC.

Dana: We know, Dan.

Dan: Of course. You know, Dana. Isaac knows. Casey knows, and I know.

Natalie: I know.

Dan: Hold on. Natalie knows?

Jeremy: Me too. I guess I've known for a couple of weeks.

Dan: Wait a second. Is there anybody in here who did not know this?

Dan looks around the room as everybody gives a collective 'no.'

Casey: Come on, Dan. Let's get to work.

Dan: Hold on, everybody! Is there anybody in here who did not know before yesterday?

Isaac: Dan, I think we should discuss this-

Dan: Wait! Everybody in this room knew before me? I just found out yesterday. Yet, I am the only person to public acknowledge this? Yet, I am the only person who is making an attempt to do something about this?!

Dan looks around the room as Casey stands up and grasps Dan's arm.

Casey: Dan, now is not the time to do this.

Dan: No, no! Now is the perfect time. Everyone in here knew and everyone was going to let this happen? I guess I was wrong.

Dana: Dan, Isaac's been trying-

Dan: Yes, Isaac's been trying... or he says he is going to try. I can't believe this! Do other people know?

Jeremy: Yes.

Dan: What?! I was so wrong about everybody. When somebody is down, you give them a helping hand. Instead, you- every single one of you- just stand there and let this happen! Dammit!

Dan pounds the table.

Isaac: That's enough, Daniel!

Dan: You're right, Isaac. I've had enough.

Dan darts from the conference room. Casey goes after him.

Dana: Okay everybody. See you at six.

Everybody else quietly gathers their items and leaves the room. Isaac follows Sam.

Isaac: Sam, we have the meeting with Calvin Trager and Donna Kendrick.

Sam: Yeah. I'm just going to drop this stuff in my office and I'll meet you there.


Casey runs down a hallway and turns a corner. He sees Dan continuously pushing the elevator button.

Casey: Danny.

Dan: Leave me alone, Casey.

The elevator doors open, and Dan and Casey enter. Dan pushes a button.

Dan: Get out, Casey.

Casey: Don't get mad at me, Dan.

The elevator doors close.

Dan: You're right. I guess you learn who your true friends are in times like these.

Casey: People have been trying to help.

Dan: What I don't understand is that these people are your friends. We go out for drinks after the show and there is a camaraderie among us. They didn't do a thing, Casey. They didn't do a damn thing.

The elevator stops and the doors open.

Casey: Isaac's been trying to help!

Three people enter the elevator car and Dan and Casey move to the back.

Dan: Yeah. Isaac blows me off and he gives you contacts with other networks. That's some help.

The elevator continues downward.

Casey: He gave me options just in case I do not get a contract.

The three people casually look over toward Dan and Casey.

Dan: Hi. We're having a conversation over here. I hope you don't mind.

The three people straighten up and face forward.

Dan: Casey, you need to know who is fighting for you.

Casey: Dan-

Dan: And you need to fight for yourself. I don't like this 'woe is me' attitude you been portraying. You need to go up there and take what is rightfully yours.

Casey: They don't have the money to sign me. They've pretty much allocated the money for the next few years.

Dan: What? They've re-signed virtually everybody who had contracts.

Casey: The only people who have contracts are you, me, Dana, Natalie, and Isaac.

Dan: But I bet they are also going to keep Kim, Jeremy, Elliott, and everybody else.

The elevator stops and the other three passengers get out.

Casey: They could let the others go at any time.

The elevator continues downward.

Dan: The fact is they knew, and they chose to do nothing about it. They knew, and they knew before me. And when were you going to tell me, Casey?

Casey: Don't get mad at me.

Dan: I would not have learned of your situation if I had not found that sheet. When were you going to tell me, Casey? On your last night, were you going to sign off and tell the nation the same time you tell me?

Casey: Dan, these are difficult times for me.

Dan: Yes, and when the times become difficult for you... you push your friends away. That's a brilliant plan.

Casey: I don't have the security of a big bucks contract like some people.

Dan: Don't blame your lack of assertiveness on me.

Casey: I'm not. I'm just saying that it is easy to judge other people when they have job security.

Dan: Damn you, Casey.

Dan pushes an elevator button.

Dan: What else are you hiding, Casey? You're leaving the network, you're going camping, you can break into cars... oh wait, there's a new profession for you- car repossession.

Casey: I'm getting off at the next floor.

Dan: Too late. I'm already getting off there.

The elevator stops at the lobby floor. Dan and Casey walk briskly into the lobby.

Casey: You want to know everything? You really want to know everything?

Dan: Ha! There's more? Isn't this grand?!

Casey: I've been dating Dana all this time. There, I said it! We never broke up. We've been dating behind everybody's back.

Dan: You're dating Dana?

Casey: Yes.

Dan: There you go again. You can't even trust me with a secret.

Casey: Danny, we can't tell anybody.

Dan: Yeah, not even your best friend- somebody you could trust.

Casey: We could be reprimanded if the wrong people found out.

Dan: But you can't trust the right people.

Dan and Casey emerge from the building.

Casey: Danny, I'm sorry.

Dan: Forget about it. Leave me alone. I'll do my job and you'll do your job.

Casey stops walking and Dan continues walking down the sidewalk.

Casey: All right. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Danny.

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