Walk a Mile in My Shoes
(Isaac's Perspective)




Isaac is in his office and he is looking at the planner on his desk.

Okay, Dana and Natalie are up at the photo shoot. Dan should be there also. I probably should double-check to make sure he is there. Nah.

Isaac grabs a remote on his desk and pushes a button; and a tape of the show starts playing on a television.

They have until Friday to come up with some ideas. All I can think about is revamping the show, but that would do more harm than good. I can't break this team up. If they're going to break this team up, I'm done. I'll retire and go home to Esther. She's been trying to get me to retire anyway; this might be a good time to get out of the business. Dan and Casey, you guys work so well together. You feed off of each other so comfortably. Dana you're going to inherit my position; probably sooner than you expected, but by the time you expect it, it would be too late. Dan's doing the story on the Giants. Bobby Thomson knew the pitch. What a day. The Giants stole the pennant.

Isaac stops the tape and sets the remote down on his desk. He looks down at his phone.

Isaac: We need to do something, and it is going to be unpleasant.

Isaac shakes his head as he heads for the door.

Very unpleasant.

Isaac walks down the hall into the newsroom. Kim approaches him.

Kim: Isaac, we've got the interview with Ron Meyer of the Enforcers.

Isaac: Good. When can you get it done?

Kim: I'll get Kelly the background info and we should be able to do it tomorrow. We'll get the feed from the interview and we should be able to get it up for tomorrow night's show.

We've stooped down to covering this?

Isaac laughs.

Kim: What's so funny?

Isaac: It's just this new-brand of football. The XFL. I don't care much for it.

Kim: Elliott thinks it's so-so. Chris and Will both love it.

Isaac: They both love it?

Kim: Chris' favorite team is the Orlando Rage and Will's favorite team is the Las Vegas Outlaws.

Isaac: After one week?

Kim: I guess so. It might have something to do with the cheerleaders, though.

The scantily-clad cheerleaders.

Isaac: It might.

Kim: Anyway, we'll get the Meyer piece together and premiere it tomorrow night. They'll be able to use it on our other programs, also.

Isaac: Thanks, Kim.

Kim: You're welcome, Isaac.

Kim goes off as Isaac takes a look around the newsroom.

Let's see here. Kim's working on the piece. Elliott's over there working the phones. There's Chris and Dave working on the monitors. Will is checking on something at his desk. Where's Jeremy?

Isaac looks around and spots Jeremy in Dan and Casey's office.

There's Jeremy. And Dan's there also. Daniel, you're supposed to be at the photo shoot.

Isaac walks through the newsroom and stops at the doorway of Dan and Casey's office. He listens in on the conversation taking place between Jeremy, Dan, and Casey.

Jeremy: Let me say, Casey- if I were gay, and I'm not-

Dan: You're not remotely gay.

Casey: I couldn't picture you being gay.

Dan: Or trying to act gay.

Jeremy: -I would find you attractive Casey. And I'm not gay.

They're goofing off.

The three look out the door, and notice Isaac standing there.

Yes, gentlemen. I am here.

Isaac: Is this a bad time? Because I can leave and try to erase the last thirty seconds from my memory banks.

Casey: No, no Isaac. We were just having a discussion.

Dan: Casey was pointing out he should be more attractive to gay men.

Jeremy: And that I would find Casey attractive... if I were gay.

I don't even want to know about this.

Isaac: This is what you are discussing? Dan, don't you have a photo shoot you should be attending?

Dan looks at his watch.

Dan: Oh! I'm late!

Jeremy: Which is why I came in here in the first place.

Isaac: But you got sidetracked into talking about Casey and his problems?

Jeremy: Yes.

Dan gets up and sprints from the office.

Daniel, what am I going to do about you?

Jeremy: I've got news for you also, Isaac.

Perfect. Now we're getting somewhere.

Isaac: Good. Let's talk in my office.

Jeremy and Isaac leave the room.


FRIDAY, 6:15 P.M.

In the conference room sit Isaac, Dana, Jeremy, Casey, Bobbi, Kim, Elliott, Dave, Chris, and Will. They are wrapping up the 6 o'clock rundown.

Dana: Okay, everybody. It looks like we have a good show for this evening. Kim get back with me on Arizona State. Everybody else keep me posted on any other changes.

Everybody starts to gather their notes.

Dana: Ahem. I also think this would be a good time to give our ideas to Isaac.

Isaac: That's correct. I need them by today, so I can present them on Monday.

Everybody settles back into their seats.

Dana: Okay, we're going to just go around the room. Will?

Will: You're starting with me?

Dana: Yes, I am.

Will: You initiated this.

Dana: And I'm asking you for your ideas on how to improve the show.

Will: Okay. Here's what I think: we can invest in better graphics.

Chris: That was my idea.

Will: Well, I got to go first.

Chris: Something a little flashier.

Will: Something hip.

Graphics are going to cost money.

Dana: Okay. Chris and Will suggest new graphics to help the show. Dave?

Dave: A new set wouldn't be so bad. Changing the appearance would help out.

A new set is going to cost a lot of money.

Dana: Okay. Dave wants a new set. I've got down new graphics and a new set. Elliott?

Elliott: Better food.

Dana: Better food?

Elliott: Yeah. Something different. We always have the same snacks. A little variety wouldn't hurt. Bagels one day, fruit the next.

Well, they're already thinking of getting rid of the food, so I don't think that will pass.

Dana: Okay, any ideas. We want any and all ideas. Bagels and fruit. Kim?

Kim: Duh. New contracts. It would be good to know if we had some job security around here.

I want you all to stay, but I don't know if they are going to let me.

Dana: Okay. Kim wants contracts.

Dana taps her pencil on the table.

Dana: Knowing we all have jobs will make us work harder and better.

Kim: And with more pride.

Dana: Got it. Bobbi?

Bobbi: You're putting me on the spot here.

Dana: That's right. Dan's off tonight. And Natalie, too.

Bobbi: But I do have an idea.

Dana: Oh, okay. Shoot.

Bobbi: How about one of those scrolling scoreboards on the bottom of the television screen?

The updates they're doing right now will allow us to do that. Good idea.

Dana: Hmmm. That's good. Scrolling scoreboard. Casey?

A staff member walks in and hands Isaac a note. Isaac reads the note.


Isaac: You'll have to excuse me for a moment. I have something I need to attend to.

Isaac gets up from the table.

Dana: Any thing wrong, Isaac?

Isaac: Oh, don't worry. These are good ideas. Be sure to collect the rest of them Dana and pass them onto me.

Dana: I'll see you in a bit.

Isaac leaves the room and walks through the newsroom heading toward his office.

Okay. This is the call I've been waiting all week for. I hope these ideas alone will help improve the ratings, but I need an opinion.

Isaac walks into his office and closes the door and locks it. He walks over to his desk, sets the note down, and picks up his phone.

Isaac: Isaac Jaffe. Hey, good to hear from you again. You're somebody difficult to track down. (listens and then laughs) Well, it's good to know you've been doing a good job. Let me ask you this: are you currently working on anything? (a smiles comes across his face as he listens) Great. Would you be interested in helping me out here? (listens) Great. When would you like to start? (listens) Okay, great. We'll see you in three weeks, Sam.

Isaac hangs up the phone and breathes a sigh of relief.

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